Should the Trumps, their GOP Enablers & Right Wing Media be Charged with Crimes against Humanity?

The Third Estate
3 min readJan 8, 2021


Crimes against humanity definition and criteria (see article 7; subheading k):

At the time of this writing there are 21.1 million cases of coronavirus in the US and 357,000 deaths. The so called ‘exceptional’ United States, with its vast wealth, purportedly superior healthcare system has had one of the worst managements of the coronavirus of any nation in the world.

To a large degree, much of the chaos and death ravaging the country can be directly attributed to the efforts of the Trump family and their spouses, GOP enablers, and right wing media pundits to downplay the virus, delegitimize advice and information from scientists, healthcare experts, and researchers, ridicule the wearing of masks, and inciting followers to resist abiding by public health measures such as social distancing and self-isolating.

How many of the 300,000+ American deaths from coronavirus can be laid directly at the feet of those who willfully and knowingly suppressed information and spread massive disinformation contradicting efforts to get the virus under control? Even one death is one too many. And while they likely cannot be charged directly for murder, at the very least it is a massive crime against humanity.

The Trumps and their right wing influencers have been guilty of provoking a number of deaths in the US over the past four years (increases in hate crime murders, alt-right murders, and refugee deaths in concentration camps at the Southern border). But none have been so egregious a lack of empathy for the lives of human beings than the politically motivated discounting of the severity of the coronavirus; only slightly less egregious than a government intentionally poisoning its own people.

If the US punishes people for inciting murderous violence, for encouraging someone to commit suicide, and for involuntary manslaughter, should it not also punish a not dissimilar action which has resulted in hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths?

To allow their actions to go unpunished is not only unjust, but it cheapens and discounts the lives of those who have died. It says that their lives have no meaning and no value. To let it go unpunished will only encourage such bad actors to commit ever greater atrocities. Without consequences the dark heart of humankind is given free reign to do as it pleases.

The American people must demand justice for this grave offense. And by justice, a fine or simple slap on the wrist is insufficient. The nation gives far harsher punishments to poor people guilty of petty crime. Nothing short of life in prison and the seizing of all monies and assets from guilty parties to be put towards coronavirus efforts and medical expenses for those affected is acceptable.

If America is ever to regain any semblance of a moral nation it must begin to hold those who commit immoral crimes against humanity harshly accountable. There is no alternative.

